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The Hill at Furnace Brook
****ALERTS**** > Laundry Room Reminders
Laundry Room Reminders
May 7, 2021 --
Date: May 07, 2021
Subject: laundry etiquette reminders

Dear Residents,

As a reminder please adhere to a few simple laundry etiquette suggestions. 

1. Clean off pet hair on clothes/blankets before putting in laundry (outside) - as some residents have pet allergies

2. Wipe clean washers and dryers after use if left messy

3. Remove lint off lint screen filters from dryers after using

4. DO NOT use dry powder in washers as this can clog the drains and leave water in the tub


Please forward to your tenants.


Thanking you for respecting others and keeping the building a more pleasant place to live.


Great North, as agent and The Hill Trustees

Please note the association does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website.  Please refer to the original documents.