****ALERTS**** >
Snow Removal Reminder
Snow Removal Reminder
Jan 19, 2019 -- To: All Residents
From: Trustees/Great North
Date: January 19, 2019
RE: Snow Cleared Parking Spaces
Reminder for Winter months to move your vehicle(s) from snow covered spaces after a snow event so the plow truck can clear the parking lot.
The goal is to have all parking spaces cleared of snow.
The plow truck needs room to maneuver. This may require moving all vehicles out of the parking lot while spaces are being cleared.
Vehicles not moved could be towed at vehicle owner's expense.
If vehicle is not moved you have the responsibility to clear snow around your vehicle or could be subject to fines.
Shovels available at rear exit if needed.
Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.
Please note the association does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website. Please refer to the original documents.