****ALERTS**** >
No Solicitors Allowed
No Solicitors Allowed
Feb 17, 2018 -- To: All Residents
From: Trustees/Great North
Date: February 17, 2018
RE: Solicitors / Door to Door Salespersons
Reminder to never let anyone in main doors that you do not know. This includes thru the lobby intercom.
We recently had solicitors enter the building and start knocking on doors upsetting residents.
Our front door sign states No Soliciting. Remind the intruder of this and ask them to leave the building or you'll call the police.
Some tips to remember from Quincy Police:
1. Never open the door to strangers. Talk through the door. Don't leave yourself vulnerable. Once you open the door, a sudden push and you are inside and out of sight with the assailant.
2. Each Solicitor in Quincy is required to have a photo ID issued by the city as proof that they have been checked out. A photo ID from their company is not the same thing.
3. Even if it sounds legitimate, give Quincy Police a call to see if they are registered and a background investigation was done on each solicitor. If you elect not to open the door or remain silent, again give QPD a call and let them check him/her out to protect your neighbors.
Thank you for your attention in this important safety matter.
Please note the association does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website. Please refer to the original documents.