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The Hill at Furnace Brook
****ALERTS**** > Reminder Unit Inspection Jan 15
Reminder Unit Inspection Jan 15
Jan 13, 2018 --

To: All Residents


From: Trustees/Great North


Date: January 13, 2018


RE: Unit Inspections


Reminder of Unit inspections for Electrical Panels and Leak Investigations is scheduled for this Monday January 15, 2018.


The inspection schedule is as follows:


Units 3,5,100-105, 201-206 9:00am – 11:00am

Units 301-306, 401-406 11:00am – 1:00pm

Units 501-506, 601-700 1:00pm – 3:00pm


Please realize these times are approximate and are subject to change.


Inspections should not take more than 15 minutes per unit.


If units are not accessible then a locksmith on call is to provide access.


Please refer to original letter sent 12/20/2017 and also posted online and on laundry room bulletin board.


Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

Please note the association does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this website.  Please refer to the original documents.